View of Saint Joseph Hall, a stone building with terra cotta roof tiles, through the trees

Step 3: Train Peer Concussion Educators

Module 1: Reinforcing and Enhancing Concussion Knowledge

The peer concussion educators are provided with an approximate 30 minute PowerPoint presentation conducted by faculty/staff with expertise in:

  • the pathophysiology of concussion
  • symptoms of concussion
  • recovery from concussion
  • the return to play protocol and its rationale
  • concussion prevention

At Chestnut Hill College, this seminar is presented by a clinical neuropsychologist and an athletic trainer.

  1. First, the clinical neuropsychologist and athletic trainer, or other qualified faculty/staff, will review the information from the existing concussion education protocol required by your organization with the peer concussion educators.
  2. Second, the peer concussion educators will be provided with a PowerPoint presentation by a qualified faculty and/or staff member that includes more in-depth information pertaining to the five topics listed above.

PLEASE NOTE: It is important to point out that the role of the PCE is not to diagnosis concussion or to remove a teammate from play, but simply to work with their teammates to report any possible concussion symptoms to the athletic trainer so the athletic trainer can determine if a concussion occurred and whether an athlete should be removed from play.

Materials Needed: Education Module 1: Reinforcing and Enhancing Concussion Knowledge (PPT)

Module 2: Enhancing Concussion Reporting

Following a 5 minute break, the peer concussion educators are provided with an approximate 20-minute PowerPoint presentation conducted by faculty/staff on the use of a cognitive-behavioral model to facilitate changes in thinking and behavior associated with concussion reporting.

For example, at CHC, this seminar is led by a psychologist who reviews the cognitive-behavioral model of change, the use of that model to enhance self-reporting of concussion and to enhance reporting of a teammate with a suspected concussion. The peer concussion educators are also trained to conduct an activity with their teammates designed to identify cognitions that inhibit reporting concussion in self and teammates and replace them with cognitions that facilitate reporting.

When training the peer concussion educators, it is important to point out that part of their role is to encourage a teammate with a suspected concussion to report it to the Athletic Trainer. If the teammate chooses not to report, then it is expected that the peer concussion educator will report the teammate with the suspected concussion to the Athletic Trainer. Click here for more videos related to Step 3: Training Peer Concussion Educators.