
Uncover a mission meant to be lived

Founded in 1924 by the Sisters of St. Joseph, we are faithful to our Catholic heritage and intellectual tradition, while welcoming and respecting the contributions made by other faiths. Our mission unites our community and makes us better students, educators, and citizens of the world.

A woman holds a candle during a ceremony

Our Mission Statement

“Chestnut Hill College, an inclusive Catholic community rooted in and animated by the Mission of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, is committed to transformative holistic education, just relationships, innovative thinking and responsible action toward a more unified global society and sustainable Earth.”
Four students pose in front of Capitol Hill holding a sign that reads "End Fossil Fuels."

Mission In Action

Our five core values expand on our mission and describe how we live and learn with integrity and compassion. For 100 years, Chestnut Hill College has been bringing these values to life every day through its diverse and inclusive campus community that welcomes the contributions of each member.

Discover the values we stand by and how we bring each to life throughout our college community.

student walking by t-shirt memorial in honor of the Institute for Forgiveness and Reconciliation Week of Nonviolence

Institute for Forgiveness & Reconciliation

This institute evolved out of the legacy of the Sisters of Saint Joseph and their mission of unity and love for all without distinction. This leads the Chestnut Hill College community to work for the healing of divisions within and among human persons and communities by promoting forgiveness and reconciliation at every level of life together.

Through an inclusive, collaborative and multi-disciplinary approach, the Institute works for the common good by teaching, advocating for and witnessing to peace-building alternatives to violence and retaliation.

About the Institute
Students volunteer with the Friends of the Wissahickon during a park clean up

Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry offers all in our community opportunities to engage both heart and mind, and gives students a groundwork to discover who they are and who they’re becoming through service, spirituality, and community building.

This team provides a variety of service opportunities to expand the horizons of participants, while facilitating reflection that can create a commitment to service for life. It also offers a variety of spirituality engagements, retreats, and ongoing prayer and worship opportunities throughout the year.

Learn More
Students from Chestnut Hill College, Mount Saint Joseph Academy, and Norwood Fontbonne Academy, came together for a special MLK Day of Service.Photo credit: Marilee Gallagher '14 news

SSJ Sponsored Works Team Up for MLK Day of Service

Students from Pre-K to College came together in service of “The Dear Neighbor”  On Friday, January 12, students, staff, and faculty from three sponsored educational ministries of the Sisters of Saint Joseph (SSJ) – Chestnut Hill…

3 students standing outside the capital with protest signs news

CHC Undocuweek Celebrates Immigrant Voices and Highlights Undocumented Student Experiences

  From November 6th through 10th, Chestnut Hill College hosted its second annual Undocuweek, a weeklong series of events designed to allow students, faculty, and staff a chance to examine and…