Three women chat together and carry backpacks across campus

Career Development

Preparing Students and Alumnae/i for Career Success

The mission of the Office of Career Development at Chestnut Hill College is to provide guidance and resources to students and alumni from all three schools (School of Undergraduate Studies, School of Graduate Studies, and the Accelerated Adult Degree Program) to help them achieve their career-related goals and ambitions. The Career Development team strives to facilitate the lifelong process of career development, including:

  • Self-Assessment: Identify and understand one’s interests, skills, and values
  • Exploration: Engage in research and information gathering related to majors and/or careers
  • Decision-Making: Narrow choices and select the best course of action among multiple alternatives

Career Closet

The Career Closet (located in Saint Joseph Hall Room 138) is open to all students looking for professional clothing for presentations, interviewing, or for the first few days on the job. Students don’t always think to bring work-appropriate clothing when heading to school, so we thought we would help them out by accepting donations of NEW or GENTLY-USED professional clothing items to get them started. All items are free for students!

The Closet has: Suits, button-up shirts, ties, dresses, blouses, shoes, etc.

Other items in the Closet are: Clothing steamer, sewing kit, lint roller, and safety pins.

If you would like to donate, but don’t have any clothing to give, there is an Amazon wish list that will benefit the students as well: CHC Career Closet Wish List

For information or questions regarding the Career Closet, contact Andrea Deering:

Contact the Career Development Team


Saint Joseph Hall, Rooms 340, 342, 344, 346

Office Hours

Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
After-hours appointments are available upon request; phone calls and video conferences are also available.
The office is closed Saturday and Sunday. The office follows college closure policies and holiday schedules.

Email and Phone

  • headshot Nancy Dachille

    Nancy Dachille, M.Ed.

    Director, Career Development

  • Andrea Deering

    Andrea Deering, M.S.

    Associate Director of Career Development

  • Connect with Career Development on Social Media

    Career Development Events