Student Life

Explore your purpose outside the classroom

While you’ll be expected to study hard, life at Chestnut Hill College encompasses much more than tests, terms papers, and the four walls of Logue Library. Whether it’s leading a student club, playing Quidditch, or enjoying a night out in Philly, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to explore your passions — and make memories to last a lifetime.

80%First-Year Students Living On Campus
47%Students Identifying as Racially Diverse
33%First-Generation College Students
65+Student Clubs and Activities

When it comes to finding your people, purpose and passion, nothing is more important than the student life that surrounds academics. At Chestnut Hill College, we take great pride in providing our students—both residents and commuters—with a whole host of activities, clubs, sporting events, and a social scene that’s informed, engaged, and completely student-centered.

Whether in the classrooms, across campus, or around the world, CHC students are making news and sharing their stories. Like our Mission says, we nurture integrity, spirituality, and dedication to justice in and for all. We are proud to support our students and their efforts on campus and in our broader communities.

10 students standing outside of state capitol building news

From the Classroom to the Capitol: Political Science Students Receive Invaluable Experience at Policy Day and PPSA Conference

Whether in a presidential cycle, such as in 2024, or any other year, knowledge of political science is an important area that individuals can derive a great benefit. An ever-evolving…


CHC Student Working to Help End Cycle of Poverty in Kenya with Nonprofit, ‘Heal’

Every child matters. Those are the words that define HEAL: Health, Education, Ample Nutrition, and Love, a non-profit organization committed to providing “a nurturing home environment and access to quality…

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