All the information that Chestnut Hill College can provide to you is either on the 1098-T form or included below. We are not allowed to discuss tax implications or give tax advice. Please consult a tax professional with all questions related to this document.
How do I access my 1098-T?
- If you opted to receive the form electronically, you will receive an email from Heartland ECSI with instructions on how to view your form.
- If you did not opt-in to receive it electronically, a form will be mailed to the current address on file with the College.
- Students are able to access their tax forms at any time without creating a profile by accessing the tax document lookup page here:
What is the 1098-T Form:
The IRS from 1098-T reports amounts paid for qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE), as well as other related information. The data on this form is related to January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023.
What are qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE)?
Eligible or qualified charges include tuition, student activity fees, etc. Health Services fees are not considered a QTRE. CHC reports all qualified charges billed to the account within the calendar year (January 1 – December 31). Non-qualified charges would include payment plan fees, late fees, parking fees or fines, or room and board.
What is included in box 1, and why is it less than what I actually paid?
Box 1 includes payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses from all sources (personal payments, loans, scholarships) during the calendar year. The amount reported is the total amount of payments received less any reimbursements or refunds made during the calendar year that relate to the payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses during the same calendar year. The amount reported is not reduced by scholarships and grants reported in box 5. Note, certain VA payments are not included in box 1.
Box 1 qualified payments are subject to a cap which is based on eligible charges for the calendar year. This cap often results in an amount appearing in Box 1 that is less than the net payments made over the course of the year. Box 1 cannot exceed the total QTRE charges that are on the account for the same calendar year.
Please note that the timing of each charge and payment/scholarship is important regarding which year they are reported. For example, a student who graduated in the Spring of 2023 may have their tuition charges posted in December of 2022, and all of their payments and scholarships applied in 2023. Since no tuition charges (QTRE) were applied in 2023, box 1 would be empty*. Please consult a tax preparer regarding what this means to your individual tax situation.
*You can access your account/payment history at anytime on, under the Finances Tab, by clicking “My Account Balances” and then “View account details and history”.
What is included in box 5?
Box 5 includes the total scholarships and grants received in the calendar year. Box 5 does not include any loans, or federal work study. Per IRS instruction, Veterans Educational Benefits are included in box 5.
For complete instructions on the 1098-T, please visit the IRS site at:
1098-T and International Students
The College is required to send this form to all U.S. citizens and permanent residents with qualified transactions. You may be eligible to use the 1098-T to claim education tax credits if you are in one of these categories:
- U.S. Citizens
- Permanent Residents (PR)
- Married to a citizen or Permanent Resident
- Can legally be claimed as a dependent by a U.S. citizen or Permanent Resident, or
- Have been in the US long enough to file taxes as a resident for federal tax purposes
Most international students are not eligible to claim education tax credits. For more information about eligibility, please review the IRS Publication 970. CHC employees cannot assist you with your specific tax questions, so you should consult with a qualified tax professional if you need assistance.
If you will NOT need a 1098-T, you do not need to do anything. If you will need a 1098-T, you may request it simply by providing the Registrar’s Office with your SSN (Social Security Number) or ITIN (Individual Tax Identification Number).
In order to comply with IRS regulations, we are asking that you complete Parts I & III of IRS Form W-9S, Request for Student’s or Borrower’s Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification which can be found on the IRS website. Enter your CHC ID number under “Tuition Account Number” in Part III. Please be sure to print the W-9S form before you submit it because changes made online are not saved. Submission of this form with correct information will ensure that if you are eligible for a tax credit, your form will be issued.
Because Chestnut Hill College is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information, we cannot accept your information via email. Please submit the completed form to the Registrar’s office on the third floor of Saint Joseph Hall or mail to:
Office of the Registrar
Chestnut Hill College
9601 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19118
You may also fax your form via secure fax to the Registrar’s Office at 215-242-7714.