View of Saint Joseph Hall, a stone building with terra cotta roof tiles, through the trees

Information for New SGS Students

We invite you to use this portion of the website as a resource to help you prepare for your new role as a graduate student. Feel free to contact us with general questions at or 215-248-7170.

Quick Links

Applying for Financial Aid

Matriculated students are eligible to apply for financial aid. Non/Pre-Matriculating students are NOT eligible for Financial Aid. However, if you plan on using Financial Aid if and when you are formally accepted, you will need to file a FAFSA ( before you can register using financial aid. Full-time status for graduate students is nine credits, but financial aid is available for part-time students taking 4.5 credits or more each term. Some certificate/certification programs are not eligible for federal aid.

Contact the Financial Aid Office with further questions and concerns at or by calling 215-248-7182. The financial aid office is located on the first floor of St. Joseph Hall.

Enrollment Fee

This a one-time administrative fee charged to all new students when enrolling for their first graduate course, regardless of matriculation status. The fee is $230.

Registration Information

Non/Pre Matriculated Students

Visiting or professional enrichment students (non-matriculating) and those who are in the process of completing the graduate admissions process (pre-matriculating) may take up to 25% of the credits required for the program in which they are enrolled. Students taking Education courses are limited to six credits. Please note that successful completion of courses prior to formal acceptance does not guarantee admission.

Students may register after submitting an application form, application fee, and an undergraduate transcript from their degree-granting institution (An official transcript must be received before the completion of the first course; grades will not be issued until official transcript is received). Transfer courses from other institutions count toward the 25% credit limit.

You may register each term by emailing For specific dates and deadline descriptions please view the SGS Academic Calendar here. You should indicate your name, ID number, the course code (this includes the abbreviation, number, and section e.g. PSYG 500 01 M). Please note in the Course Code that each course ends with a letter. The letter indicates the location for the course: ‘M’ stands for Main campus, ‘C’ stands for DeSales, and ‘P’ stands for Pottstown. Many classes fill quickly, so please register as early as possible for the best selection of classes.

Matriculated Students

As a new student, your first step is to meet with an advisor to discuss your course options. Once you have done so, you can view the course listing available on the My.CHC Portal to find when these courses will be offered.  Instructions can be found here.

Once registration opens, email your selections to Please make sure to include your name, ID number, and Course Code (this includes the abbreviation, number, and section e.g. PSYG 500 01 M).  Please note in the Course Code that each course ends with a letter. The letter indicates the location for the course: ‘M’ stands for Main campus, ‘C’ stands for DeSales, and ‘P’ stands for Pottstown.

Many classes fill very quickly, so please register as early as possible for the best selection of classes.

As a first semester student you are permitted to submit your registration request via email. However, in subsequent terms you must register online through the My.CHC portal. You will receive your MyCHC account credentials, and further instructions with regard to registering for your second semester once you have registered for your first term.

Academic Information

Technology Accounts

All SGS students are assigned three separate technology accounts at the time of first course registration: My.CHC Portal, CHC Webmail (Email), and Canvas.

MyCHC Portal: This utility functions as the student’s official record of enrollment and attendance at CHC. Functions include, but are not limited to, accessing semester course schedules (including classroom assignments) and grade reports, online course registration (certain programs excluded), access to unofficial transcripts, and student financial account access.

CHC Webmail: This utility functions as the student’s institutional email account. It is a CHC School of Graduate Studies policy that every student be assigned a CHC email account. It is the student’s responsibility to check this account. Updates, reminders, newsletters, and other information will be sent out to SGS students via their CHC email addresses only. Instructions are available to set up an automatic forwarding feature to the student’s personal email account.

Canvas: Canvas is CHC’s Learning Management System (LMS) and is the universal LMS tool for Chestnut Hill College. Canvas has highly integrated learning products and is a flexible digital learning environment that can be created to meet the unique challenges faced by instructors and students. Faculty and students will become acclimated with Canvas LMS functionality by way of training, online student orientation, and faculty and student help resources are embedded in Canvas courses. Students and faculty can access the Canvas Guides at

**Please note that your MyCHC Portal and CHC Webmail accounts are connected, so if you change your password for MyCHC Portal, your CHC Webmail account will also be changed and vice versa. You can also use this username and password to access any of the designated computers on campus.

Please use the SGS Technology Account Instructions to help navigate your SGS Technology Accounts once they are assigned.

Syllabi and Classroom Information

Syllabi: We strongly encourage you to keep your syllabus for every course you take here at CHC. If you decide to apply for a doctoral program and/or to pursue state licensure, you may need to provide your syllabi and course descriptions.

Classroom Information: Buildings may be abbreviated in the following way on schedules and course listings:

  • Fournier Hall/Clement Hall – FR or CH
  • Logue Library – LL
  • Martino Hall – MH
  • St. Joseph Hall – SJ

You will obtain your classroom assignments via your course schedule, which is available for you on the My.CHC Portal. For your convenience and reference, an updated list of classroom assignments is also available at the Security Desk in Fournier Hall.