Business network concept. Human Resources. Group of businesspeople. Management strategy.

International Business, Language, and Culture

International business management study allows students to understand how globalization has increased connectedness across the world. An international business major learns how to apply business strategies across cultures and develops skills to do business in markets around the world. Students learn the ins and outs of multinational organizations’ strategic plans as well as foreign business practices.


Chestnut Hill College offers an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science (BS) in International Business, Language, and Culture (IBLC). The IBLC Major is an interdisciplinary, globally oriented program that includes a strong language component.

Study Abroad:
Students majoring in IBLC at Chestnut Hill College must satisfy an International Experience Abroad requirement in a country where the major language is spoken. A second international experience is also recommended by working abroad or in an international division or department of a U.S. organization. The International Experience Abroad may be met by one of the following ways:

  • International Internship Experience: An approved internship in an organization located in a country where the major language is spoken. The experience must receive prior approval of the Chair of the Business Department and the Chair of the Language Department and must consist of meaningful work activities that will contribute to a student’s understanding of and provide practical experience in international business and provide an opportunity to expand the student’s cultural knowledge and use of the foreign language studied. If the organization is in the U.S. the student’s work must deal directly with the organization’s international operations and require some use of the foreign language the student has studied. Although this is strongly recommended, it does not fulfill the International Experience Abroad Requirement. If the internship occurs during the summer, it must be full-time for at least 6 weeks. If the internship takes place during the regular academic year and is a part-time position, it must last at least one full semester or approximately 12 weeks. Prior to starting, the student should provide internship details (organization, country, job description, duration of internship, name of supervisor, etc.) to the Chairs of the Business and Foreign Language Departments to ensure that it will meet the IBLC program requirements. Upon completion of the International Internship Experience, it will be the student’s responsibility to complete and provide all the necessary Experiential Education documentation to the Career Services Department for review prior to the granting of credit.
  • Study Abroad: A study-abroad program at an approved international college or university for credit. The student may choose to enroll in a minimum of one course; however, the course must have an international focus that will increase the student’s understanding of international business, language or culture. A full semester program is highly recommended, although a summer program is acceptable. The program must include courses taught in the major language.
  • Work Study Tour: An international Work Study Tour of three to five firms for a sufficient amount of time at each firm to conduct interviews, surveys of management practices. The student must complete a report in the target language. The student must receive approval from the Chair of the Business Department and the Chair of the Department of Foreign Language prior to the start of the Tour.


International Business, Language, and Culture
International Business, Language, and Culture
Sports Management