It’s On Us week of action is a week filled with activities and events to help students better understand need to sexual assault. Sports teams will their games in solidarity for those who have been victims, and they will play to end sexual assault. The week will also include Step Up Training and One Love: Escalation Videos. The week will begin with Pledge Day, where students can pledge on the It’s On Us website to end sexual assault.
The clothesline project is an activity where students and organizations will decorate a t-shirt to show their support for the It’s On Us project. The t-shirts can say whatever the students want (ex: It’s On Us to create a safe environment), and then t-shirts will be hung up around campus.
This walk will be in solidarity for victims of sexual assault, and will also show our fight to end sexual assault. Students will walk across campus together and interact in a conversation about sexual assault and their ideas and paths to ending it.