gavel, balance, wooden desk and background, books

Criminal Justice

Chestnut Hill College’s Accelerated Adult Degree Program is designed specifically for the adult learner. The  Criminal Justice program will provide students with knowledge about the criminal justice system and its impact on society. Students will learn how to be a positive contributor to society, meeting the challenges of a diverse, global community. This program prepares students for job opportunities in the criminal justice field or readies them for graduate school or law school.

Transferring Credits

Students can transfer up to 75 credits from another accredited college or university, and there are several alternative options to earn credit for on-the-job experience and training programs.

Registration Information

Offices in the Accelerated Adult Degree Program remain closed and we are working remotely. For assistance, please email or call 215-248-7063. Prospective students should email

Academic Calendar

Download the Current Academic Calendar

Academic Catalog

Download the Accelerated Adult Degree Program Catalog

Chestnut Hill College, Main Campus

9601 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia PA 19118

For more information or to schedule a personal visit with an Admissions Representative:

Call – 215-248-7001 | Email –