Keely McCarthy is an Associate Professor of English and coordinator of the Writing Program at Chestnut Hill College. Dr. McCarthy teaches courses in the first-year writing and liberal arts program. Her research, published in Early American Literature, and 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era and elsewhere, focus on Native American and English cultural encounters in colonial America.
Keely E. McCarthy, Ph.D.
Keely E. McCarthy, Ph.D.
Educational Background
- Ph.D. University of Maryland, English Literature, 2000
- M.A. University of Maryland, English Literature, 1995
- B.A University of Miami, English Literature, Honors in Women’s Literature, 1992
Courses Taught
- Foundations in the Liberal Arts
- College Writing: ENGL 101
- Early American Literature: ENGL 264
- Early American Topics
- 18th Century British Literature: ENGL 225
Scholarly Interests
- Writing Pedagogy
- Early American Literature and Native American Literature
- 18th Century British Literature
- “The Problem of Cultural Reproduction in Gulliver’s Travels.” 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era, Vol. 19 (2012).
- “’A Sweet Union of Souls’ or Dangerous Conversions? Jonathan Edwards’ Missionary Best-seller,” Journal of the Jonathan Edwards’ society, on-line journal, March 2011.
- “Conversion, Identity, and the Indian Missionary,” reprinted in World Christianity, edited by Elizabeth Koepping. Routledge, 2010.
- “’A Sweet Union of Souls’: The Dangers of Representing Conversion in Jonathan Edwards’ Biography of Missionary David Brainerd,” Imaging the Other, 2008.
- “Conversations, Identity, and the Indian Missionary.” Early American Literature, 36:3, Nov. 2001.