Corrie Jackson, Ph.D.

Corrie Jackson, Ph.D.

Dr. Corrie Jackson is an Associate Professor, Chair of the Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) Department, and Chair of the Center for Professional Psychology. As a Licensed Psychologist, Dr. Jackson is also the owner of a private practice in Newtown, PA. Additionally, she serves as a clinical supervisor and consultant psychologist. Dr. Jackson is a member of several professional organizations, including the American Psychological Association, Pennsylvania Psychological Association, and College Autism Network. Dr. Jackson’s professional and scholarly interests include child/adolescent psychotherapy, trauma/interpersonal violence, neurodiversity, and the education and supervision of clinical psychology doctoral students. She frequently publishes and presents on these and related topics.

Educational Background

  • Ph.D., University of Memphis
  • M.S., University of Memphis
  • B.A., Pennsylvania State University

Courses Taught

All taught at the Doctoral level:

Individual and Systemic Treatment of Children and Adolescents

Advanced Assessment of Neurodiversity

Supervision and Consultation

Clinical Experience Group Supervision

Dissertation Advising


Scholarly Interests

Child/adolescent psychotherapy

Childhood trauma/interpersonal violence Neurodiversity

Psychological assessment

Education and supervision of clinical psychology doctoral students



Jackson, C.L., & Sibbald, L. (in press). True inclusion: Fostering neurodiversity affirming spaces in postsecondary education. In J. Wesley, A. Mack, & L. Thorpe (Eds.), Transformative social change in organizations and institutions: A DEI perspective. IGI Global.

Kilcullen, J.R., Castonguay, L.G., Carney, D.M., Davis, K.A., Pottschmidt, N.R., Knapp, S.J., Jackson, C.L.,Hemmelstein, N.A., & Frakes, A.M. (2023). Peer consultation for early career psychotherapists: A preliminary study. In L.G. Castonguay & C. Hill (Eds.), Becoming better psychotherapists: Advancing training and supervision. American Psychological Association.

Jackson, C.L., Margolius, S., Stout, J., Browning, S. (2021). The impact of intrafamilial homicide on the family system. Journal of Family Violence, 37, 573-583.

Jackson, C.L., & Jackson, G.T. (2020). Just press play to start learning: The use of educational games as an intervention tool for autism spectrum disorder. In Y. Katz (Ed.), Education and technology support of children and young adults with autism spectrum disorders and learning disabilities. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7053-1

Bountress, K., Chassin, L., Presson, C.L., & Jackson, C.L. (2016). The effects of peer influences and implicit and explicit attitudes on smoking initiation in adolescence. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 62, 335-358.

Jackson, C.L., Ciciolla, L., Crnic, K.A., Luecken, L.J., Gonzales, N.A., & Coonrod, D.V. (2015). Intimate partner violence before and during pregnancy: Related demographic and psychosocial factors and postpartum depressive symptoms among Mexican American women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30, 659-679. doi: 10.1177/0886260514535262

Jackson, C.L., Hanson, R., Amstadter, A.B., Saunders, B., & Kilpatrick, D. (2013). The longitudinal relation between peer violent victimization and delinquency: Results from a national representative sample of US adolescents. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 28, 1596-1616. doi: 10.1177/0886260512468328

Jackson, C.L. & Cohen, R. (2012). Childhood victimization: Modeling the relation between classroom victimization, cyber victimization, and psychosocial functioning. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 1, 254-269.

Olsen, J. P., Parra, G. R., Cohen, R., Schoffstall, C. L., & Egli, C. J. (2012). Beyond relationship reciprocity: A consideration of varied forms of children’s relationships. Personal Relationships, 19, 72-88.

Schoffstall, C.L., & Cohen, R. (2011). Cyber aggression: The relation between online offenders and offline social competence. Social Development, 20, 587-604.

Ashford, J., Schoffstall, C.L., Reddick, W.E., Leone, C., Laningham, F.H., Pei, D., Cheng, C., Pui, C.H., & Conklin, H.M. (2010). Attention and working memory abilities in children treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Cancer, 116, 4638-4645. doi: 10.1002/cncr.25343


Selected Presentations and Workshops:

Sibbald, L., & Jackson, C.L. (2022, October). Reframing empowerment: A strength-based approach to establishing student-driven outcomes and promoting engagement. [Conference session]. College Autism Network Summit. Nashville, TN, United States.

Rozovsky, A., Stout, J., DeBlasi, A., Jackson, C.L., & Browning, S. (2020). Intra-familial homicide initiative: Assessing needs and the impact on the family system [Poster Presentation]. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention. Philadelphia, PA, United States.

Jackson, C.L., & Herbst, A., & Jackson, C.L. (2019, June). Reactive aggression in victims of bullying. Pennsylvania Psychological Association [Conference session]. Pennsylvania Psychological Association Annual Convention. Pittsburgh, PA, United States.

Jackson, C.L., Hanson, R., Amstadter, A.B., Saunders, B., & Kilpatrick, D. (2013, April). The longitudinal relation between peer violent victimization and delinquency: Results from a national representative sample of U.S. adolescents [Conference session] Society for Research in Child Development. Seattle, WA, United States.

Schoffstall, C.L., & Cohen, R. (2011, March/April). Cyber victimization: Online victims and offline loneliness [Poster Presentation]. Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Schoffstall, C.L., Cohen, R., Tillery, R., & Audley-Piotrowski, S. (2011, March/April). Becoming cyber aggressive in middle childhood: A longitudinal examination of the frequency of cyber aggression [Poster Presentation]. Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Tillery, R., Cohen, R., Audley-Piotrowski, S., & Schoffstall, C.L. (2011, March/April). Who’s aggressive? Aggression, friendships, and loneliness [Poster Presentation]. Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Hsueh, Y., Cohen, R., Schoffstall, C. L., Tillery, R., & Julian, K. (2010, June). Social and emotional developmental implications for understanding reciprocity as the meaning for respect [Conference session]. Jean Piaget Society. St. Louis, MO, United States.

Schoffstall, C. L., & Cohen, R. (2010, March). Traditional aggression and cyber aggression: Offline social consequences for online offenders [Poster Presentation]. Society for Research on Adolescence, Philadelphia, PA, United States.

Hsueh, Y., Cohen, R., Audley-Piotrowski, S., Schoffstall, C. L., Kuryluk, A., Ippolito, M. (2009, June). A longitudinal study of children’s understanding of respect for peers, parents, and teachers [Conference session]. Jean Piaget Society, Park City, UT, United States.

Audley-Piotrowski, S., Cohen, R., Parra, G.R., Hsueh, Y., Kuryluk, A., Schoffstall, C. L. (2009, June). Showing respect among children and related gender differences [Conference session]. Jean Piaget Society, Park City, UT, United States.

Schoffstall, C. L., Kuryluk, A., & Cohen, R. (2009, April). Culture, friendships, and the stability of aggression in middle childhood [Poster Presentation]. Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO, United States.

Olsen, J. P., Parra, G.R., Egli, C.J., Schoffstall, C. L., Cohen, R. (2009, April). Conceptualizing unbalanced relationships: Consequences associated with being disliked by “friends” [Poster Presentation]. Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO, United States.

Schoffstall, C. L., Ashford, J., Reddick, W.E., Leone, C., Pei, D., Cheng, C., Pui, C.H., Conklin, H.M. (2009, February). Attention and working memory abilities in children treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia [Poster Presentation]. International Neuropsychological Society, Atlanta, GA, United States.

Schoffstall, C. L., & Cohen, R. (2008, March). Aggression and social competence: Discrepancies between informants [Poster Presentation]. Society for Research on Adolescents, Chicago, IL, United States.

Olsen, J., Buckholdt, K., Jobe-Shields, L. E., Davis, G. L., Schoffstall, C. L., Choi, Y., & Parra, G. R. (2008, March). Development of a measure assessing adolescent reactions to parental responses to emotions [Poster Presentation]. Society for Research on Adolescence, Chicago, IL, United States.