Cheryll Rothery, PsyD, ABPP

Cheryll Rothery, PsyD, ABPP

Dr. Rothery is a teaching professor for doctoral courses. A licensed psychologist, she has experience as a consultant psychologist, a clinical supervisor, a psychologist in private practice, and director of a college counseling center. She has served on the Executive Boards of the National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology (NCSPP), the Pennsylvania Psychological Association (PPA), the Delaware Valley Association of Black Psychologists (DVABPsi) and the Philadelphia Society of Clinical Psychologists (PSCP). Dr. Rothery is currently serving on the Leadership Development Committee of PPA and is a consultant to the PPA Board for the creation of a Diversity Chair position. Her clinical and research interests include culturally-informed treatment of diverse populations, the Relational Cultural Model of Therapy, racial and ethnic identity formation, and the training and supervision of clinicians. Dr. Rothery is a frequent workshop presenter on these and related topics.

Educational Background

B.A., Psychology, Mount Holyoke College
Psy.D., Rutgers University

Courses Taught


  • Clinical Experience Group Supervision
  • Clinical Practicum Group Supervision
  • Advanced Clinical Practicum Group Supervision
  • Internship Didactic Seminar
  • Treating Ophelia: Psychotherapy with the Adolescent Female
  • Development Across the Lifespan
  • Psychopathology


  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Child Psychology

Scholarly Interests

  • Adolescent Development and Identity Formation
  • African American Women
  • Clinical Training for Health Service Psychology
  • College Counseling
  • Culturally Conscious Supervision
  • Culturally Conscious Therapy
  • Identity Intersectionality
  • Racial Identify Formation
  • Relational Cultural Model


Gordon, R.M., Blake, A., Etzi, J., Rothery, C., and Tasso, A.F. (2017). Do practitioners find a psychodynamic taxonomy useful? Journal of Psychology and Clinical Psychiatry 7 (5):  00452. DOI:  10.15406/pcpy.2017.07.00452.

Gordon, R.M., Blake, A., Bornstein, R.F., Gazzillo, F., Etzi, J., Lingiardi, V., McWilliams, N., Rothery, C., and Tasso, A.F. (2016). What do practitioners consider the most helpful personality taxa in understanding their patients? Division/Review:  A Quarterly Psychoanalytic Forum, 16, 70.

Gordon, R.M., Gazillo, F., Black, A., Bornstein, R.F., Etzi, J., Lingiardi, V., McWilliams, N., Rothery, C., and Tasso, A.F. The relationship between theoretical orientation and countertransference expectations: Implications for ethical dilemmas and risk management. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 2016 May;23(3):236-45. doi: 10.1002/cpp.

Presentations and Workshops

“When They Get Rain, We Get a Hurricane:  Addressing the Impact of the Pandemic of COVID-19 and Systemic Racism on Clients and Clinicians of Color” Virtual presentation for the Ladipo Group, June 2020.

“Culturally Conscious Clinical Supervision:  Providing Doctoral Trainees with Tools for Resilience in the Therapy Room”, co-presented at the 37th Annual Winter Roundtable, Columbia University, NY, NY, with Johnson, E., February 2020.

“Healers Hurt, Too:  Therapy, Teaching, and Supervision in the Current Era.”  Co-presented at the Pennsylvania Psychological Association Annual Convention, Pittsburgh, PA, with Logan, J., June 2019.

“Ethical Practice in Challenging Times:  Generational and Climate Issues in Supervision and Training.” Presentation at Chestnut Hill College Department of Professional Psychology, Supervisor Appreciation Day, Philadelphia, PA, May 2019.

“A Healthy Mistrust of the Profession”, Shrinks on Third, The Philadelphia Society of Clinical Psychologists Podcast, Jenkintown, PA, November 2018.

“The Adoption Family Mosaic:  Multi-Systemic Assessment and Intervention”, co-presented at the Pennsylvania Psychological Association 2018 Annual Convention, Valley Forge, PA. with Marcus, M. and O’Toole, D., June 2018.

“Diversity Matters:  The Comparative Journeys of Three African American Psychologists”, co-presented at Widener University’s Spring Diversity Lecture, Chester, PA, with Barksdale, T., and Logan, J., February 2018.

“Power and Privilege in Today’s Classroom:  Faculty Perspectives”, co-presented at the National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology (NCSPP) Mid-Winter Conference, Las Vegas, NV, with O’Banion, M., Wilson, T., and Howell, G., January 2018.

“Relational Cultural Therapy: Reclaiming My True and Best Self” presented at the 2017 Pennsylvania Psychological Association Annual Convention, Bedford, PA., June 2017.

“Post-Election Trauma: Hurting Healers’ Responses to Both Hurting and Celebrating Clients”, panel presentation sponsored by the Ladipo Group and the Therapy Center of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, January 2017.

Panelist, Ladipo Group and the Therapy Center of Philadelphia Workshop on the topic of vicarious trauma, 2017.

“Relational Empathy, Ethics and Diversity Competence”, co-presented at the 2016 Pennsylvania Psychological Association Annual Convention, Harrisburg, PA.

“Culturally Sensitive Treatment of Students of Color in a predominantly White College Setting” Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA, June 2016.

“Relational Ethics and Empathy with African American Clients – Considerations in Treatment and Supervision” presented at the Immaculata University Internship Consortium, May 2016.

“The DSM-5 Approach to Assessing Culturally Relevant Issues for Treatment and Diagnostic Decision Making”, Co-Presenter, Pennsylvania Psychological Association 2014 Annual Convention, Harrisburg, PA.

“Relational Ethics – Effective Psychotherapy: Ethics, Empathy and Therapeutic Alliance”. Pennsylvania Psychological Association 2014 Annual Convention.


Rutgers University Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology 2017 Alumnae Award for Distinguished Career Achievement.  

Pennsylvania Psychological Association 2017 Distinguished Service Award.


  • 2017-Present:  Board Examiner for the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP); Mentor of ABPP applicants
  • Spring 2020:  Academic Programs and Planning Committee, COVID-19 Task Force, Chestnut Hill College
  • 2020:  Leadership Development Committee; Consultant to Board of Directors for Diversity Chair position, Pennsylvania Psychological Association.
  • 2017-2020:  Autism Support Initiative, CHC
  • 2016 – 2017:  Officer of Diversity and Inclusion Search Committee, CHC
  • 2016-17:  Diversity and Inclusion Task Force, CHC
  • 2014-17:  Promotion and Tenure Committee, CHC
  • 2013, 2017:  Vice President for Academic Affairs Search Committee, CHC
  • 2001-2018:  Various previous roles on the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs (CEMA) of the American Psychological Association; Delaware Valley Association of Black Psychologists; National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology; Pennsylvania Psychological Association, and the Philadelphia Society of Clinical Psychologists.