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Alumni (Career) Spotlight

Alumni (Career) Spotlight

Pete Kidd
Pete Kidd '12

Alumni (Career) Spotlight
Pete Kidd ’12, marketing major
discusses his work experience.
Current title and place of work: Property Claims Manager at Farmers Insurance
What was your experience with the application/interviewing process at your current workplace? I was looking to make a transition to leadership with another company and utilized LinkedIn to find the opportunity for my current position. Once I applied I had three rounds of interviews. two phone interviews and one in-person interview with a five-person panel. I was asked behavioral-based questions pertaining to my experience and ability to lead people. From there I had to present a plan on how I would execute and build relationships with my direct report to drive positive business results within my first 90 days.
What is your day-to-day life like at your job? I oversee a team of seven people virtually. One of the perks of managing a team virtually is that I typically work from home most days. My day consists of phone calls with my direct reports, customers and agents and conference calls on new business initiatives. I also am responsible for training my direct reports and ensuring that information is delivered to them in a clear manner to drive key performance initiatives. Lastly, I am responsible for any HR related issues and approval of claim decisions and settlements above my direct reports authority for property homeowner claims.
What advice do you have for the undergraduate class? Build relationships and learn to foster them for the long term as this will be a key part of aligning you with opportunity. The other aspect of this is you will have to put in work in whatever role you are in. Always be open to opportunities to develop new skills that you can leverage for greater responsibility and lastly, always strive toward whatever goals you set for yourself!
What do you miss the most about Chestnut Hill College? The culture of CHC is what I miss most. One of the most unique qualities of CHC was the staff. Many of them knew me by name and knew who I was as a person. Being away from home for college can be a challenging experience, but with a great support system around you like CHC has, it makes for an environment that allows for continuous growth, development and success for all who attend and embrace the culture.


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