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Person on treadmill with vitals being measured
Bachelor of Science
Exercise Science

Course Highlights

INTRODUCTION TO EXERCISE SCIENCE (EXSC 101) - This course introduces students to the discipline of exercise science. Students gain a better understanding of the history, scientific foundations, and career opportunities within the field.

KINESIOLOGY (EXSC 301) - Students study the musculoskeletal system as it relates to human movement, exercise, and sport performance, and also gain a better understanding of the basic biomechanical principles that govern human movement as well as examine the application of these principles to physical activity, exercise performance, and sport skills.

EXERCISE TESTING AND PRESCRIPTION (EXSC 305) - Students are provided the knowledge and skills to conduct various assessments in fitness and wellness such as the assessment of risk stratification, cardiorespiratory health and endurance, muscular fitness, and body composition. Students then learn how to apply these assessments in developing exercise prescriptions and programs. The American College of Sports Medicine’s Guidelines are emphasized with specific focus on the knowledge, skills, and abilities for the Certified Exercise Physiologist Certification.  

>>For all course descriptions for this major, SEE SCHOOL OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES CATALOG