2010s Christmas Cards
“Winter Rose Spiral”
Artwork by Margaret Thompson, SSJ, M.F.A.
Associate Professor of Art
Chestnut Hill College
About the 2011 Christmas card design,
In the sky above the Campanile of Fournier Hall, the spiral suggests the Star that led the Wise Ones to God – Incarnate as a child. The spiral is based on the specific spiral design in which the pine cone “petals” grow. The Golden Spiral, base on the Fibonacci Series, is a basic design repeated at all levels throughout the Universe. This design also resembles the Great Matrix (mother/mater), the web of life and Spirit energy in which we live and move and have our being – the Divine Milieu – The Body of the Cosmic Christ.
You will find a reference to the woods surrounding Chestnut Hill College with the water of the Wissahickon flowing through the evergreen woodlands permeated with pine cones.
“Dance of the Trinity”
“Dance of the Trinity” celebrates the dynamic life of the Triune God in union with creation, alive in one great act of giving birth to Love in our world at this time for which we are responsible.
Artwork by Margaret Thompson, SSJ, M.F.A.
Associate Professor of Art
Chestnut Hill College